Our Story
In 1988, the Luxemburgish flutist and conductor Carlo Jans established, together with Claude Millim the "International Forum for flute and piano Diekirch". Since 2007, Simon Knopp has assisted Carlo Jans in the organization. This Forum is an international summer class for flutists and pianists coming from all over the world.
Former professors
Rogier de Pijper, Ulla Miilmann, Birgit Ramsl, Luisa Sello, Peter Verhoyen, Robert Dick, Sarah Louvion, Maxence Larrieu, Janos Balint, Jean-Claude Gérard, Jean-Michel Tanguy, Konrad Hünteler, Eric Kirchhoff, Andrea Lieberknecht, Carin Levine, Marianne Henkel, Gaby Pas-van Riet, Craig Goodman, Abbie de Quant, Patrice Kirchhoff, Marc Grauwels, Michael Faust, Pierre Séchet, Mia Dreese, Petr Pomkla, Vincent Cortvrint, Micheal Heupel, Natalia Gerakis, Gunhild Ott, Mirjam Nastasi, Wissam Boustany, Salvatore Lombardi , Gudrun Hinze, Philippe Benoit, Antoni Wierzbinski, Anne-Catherine Heinzmann, Matej Zupan, Carlos Bruneel, Kazutaka Shimizu, Robert Aitken, Qiling Chen, Sergej Tikhonov, Alan Weiss, Peter Verhoyen, Renate Greiss, Tilmann Dehnhard, Nicole Esposito, Christina Fassbender, Olga Ivusheikova, Kersten McCall, Valerie Debaele, Gareth McLearnon, Mario Caroli, Sébastian Jacot, Jürgen Franz, Wally Hase, Rute Fernandes, Verena Bosshardt, Carlo Jans (from 1988 on)
Gary Muller, Stépahne Seban, Thomas Duis, Ewa Poblocka, Daniel Blumenthal (from 1990 on)
Béatrice Berstel, Christine Wauters, Ewa Rzetecka
Jürgen Gode
Alain Damien, Marcel Lallemang
Sandrine Cantoreggi, Vaclav Dvorak
Katerina Englichova
Zrinka Ivancic, Carlo Gruber, Gary Muller, Stéphane Seban, Janis Maleckis, , Zénon Bialas, Cordula Hacke,Michael Zieschang, Kinga Firlej - Kubica, Ieva DzÄ“rve, Katrin Reifenrath
by Haruo Uesawa, Jochen Mehnert, François Louis, Karl Ventzke, Raymond Meylan, M.Lüdemann, Filipe Pires, Jindrich Feld, Peter Swinkels, Petra Music,Claudia Wälder-Jene, Ludwig Boehm, Remi Caron
Flute Makers
Mehnert, Yamaha, Mancke-Flutes, Parmenon Flutes, Eloy Flutes
Yamaha Flutes, Mancke Flutes, Eloy Flutes, Mehnert Flutes, Altus Flutes, Mateki Flutes, Adams European Flute Centre, Listesso, Flöte Haber, Flute Motion, Viento Flute, Parmenon Flutes,Music and Tools, Musikhaus Knopp, Haynes Flutes, Miyazawa Flutes, Lefreque, Sankyo Flutes
Claude Schultze, John Schlammes, Carine Ries
Alexander technique
Guy Vincent Aknin, G.Krieg
Invited guest soloists
Mirel Iancovici (cello), Henri Foehr (cello), Muriel Pouzenc (cello), Michael Bouvier (violon), Danielle Hennicot (alto), Claude Giampellegrini (cello), Jürgen Gode (bassoon).
Invited orchestras
Orchestre de chambre "Stamitz" (Germany), Orchestre de chambre de Luxembourg "Les Musiciens", Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, Estro Armonico Chamber Orchestra
Former students
Since 1988, over 1300 students from 50 different nationalities have attended the Forum. Most of them are now professionals, playing in orchestras or teaching in music schools or conservatories. Already the first students of former participants are applying and securing the continuity of the Forum